Tarot Card for August 11, 2009 for your romantic life
The Card for today is JUSTICE.

Justice is the twelfth card in the Major Arcana, and is given the number eleven, which is considered a “master” number in numerology. Though the most familiar image of justice is that of a blindfolded woman, this image stares directly at us, unhindered...much more intimidating! Marking the halfway point in the Major Arcana, she symbolizes an equality between the past and the future—and the importance of the present to them both. She holds a set of balanced scales, and a sword, upright, ready for action. With her scales, she weighs all sides evenly, and with her sword, she cuts through the many layers of illusion and lies to the deeper truth. Her crown is a symbol of her status, gained through fair dealings, and her red robes indicate her power, passion, and vitality. With one foot visible, she is poised, ready to spring forth at any time to defend and act on the judgements she decrees.
Justice urges you to examine your past, and how the actions of your past have brought you to your present. In doing this, you realize how what you do right now will influence who you become in the future. You must accept that your present situation is one you helped create. In doing so, you can cut through the illusion of events to the wisdom you should be gaining from them. You can then begin to consciously take action to manifest better situations in your future. The Justice card often appears to signal that people are getting what they deserve. If the situation in question has legal ramifications, it can indicate a fair trial, a settlement, or winning in any general legal battle...the honest side will triumph.
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