Prayer For Love

Prayer For Love

Dear God,
My greatest need, O Lord, is love.
Without love, life is not worth living.
And, yet, as a part of You, the core of me is Love.
I have run from love, O God, because the price of love seems to be grief.
Here on Earth, we often lose who and what we love.
Awaken within me the courage to love, Glorious Father.
Help me to love myself as deeply and profoundly as You love me.
Bring to me those who would love me truest and best.
For I am Your Beloved and deserve no less.
Awaken me to the truth of my own lovability, as You enter my spirit, mind and body and reclaim me for all time.
As WE read and speak this prayer, fill me with the realization that love is my true nature, and that love will always triumph.
I love myself. I love the earth. I love all life.
I love how I walk, how I talk, how I look and how I live.
I love my heritage, my world, all nations and all peoples.
I love You always and forever, and my actions reflect this love.
Filled with awareness of my true identity, I thank You for this gift.
From this moment on, my life is transformed.
The energy of Love now expands exponentially in my world, empowering me as never before.
I attract people who I love, and who love me in mutual joy and recognition.
I am adored for who I am, and I see everyone else as lovable.
I share my life with my Beloveds, who demonstrate Your love for me
And my love returns to me a thousand fold from every direction.
I am worthy. I am love incarnate. I love with all my heart and I am appreciated and cherished in return.
In turn, I empower others with the strength of my love.
For I love my life deeply, and know love is my way home.
As I accept this beautiful gift of loving and being loved, I help humanity rise out of the attractor fields of fear, separation and loneliness and enter fields of love, connection and belonging.
Each of us, together and apart, is now renewed in Your love.
Thank You for adoring me into wholeness.

And so it is.

And I Love You!

Golden Light
